lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

That´s my problem

No, I don’t think I’ve been defiled. 
But I haven’t been saved, either. 
There’s nobody who can save me right now.


Everybody’s born with some different thing at the core of their existence. And that thing, whatever it is, becomes like a heat source that runs each person from the inside. I have one too, of course. Like everybody else. But sometimes it gets out of hand.

Crónica del pájaro que da cuerda al mundo

No matter what you tell me, no matter how legitimate your reasons, I can never just forget about you, I can never push the years we spent together out of my mind. I can’t do it because it really happened, they are part of my life, and there is no way I can just erase them. That would be the same as erasing my own self.


¿Porque las personas tenemos que estar tan fuckingmente jodidas?
Aunque me doy cuenta me cuesta cambiarlo, pero me puedo dar cuenta.
Como es que algunas personas que caen siempre en el mismo error toda su vida nunca se dan cuenta?
¿Será mejor vivir siendo un ignorante?

Sputnik, mi amor

You know what I’d really like to do the most right now? Climb up to the top of some high place like the pyramids. The highest place I can find. Stand on the very top, look all around the world, see all the scenery, and see with my own eyes what’s been lost from the world...